29 January 2008

many things

so today is tuesday, and i am very tired. i think the initial high has worn off of being in england. not that i don't love it, but the reality that my body can only handle so much each day has set in. however, a few nights solid rest should fix that. here's what's been happening the last few days:

i went to the baptist church morning service,
where the group of people in my program made
up more than half of the congregation. then i went back to my house where lee was preparing a dinner party for mark, sharon and i, along with 3 of her friends. it was very posh, with wine and beer before lunch, which consisted of beef bourbingion, potatoes, carrots, peas, baguettes, tomato goat cheese salad and more wine. to follow was a hungarian apple tart and gourmet cheese and biscuits, followed by more wine. needless to say, i was in culinary heaven. then her friend took me, mark and sharon for a long ride around the countryside in his 1924 automobile, from which we waved like the queen, laughing like crazy the whole time. then we went to sharon and jodi's to read henry iv which was dull, but we felt like we accomplished something.

on monday we had our second co-op lunch at the methodist church, where my group made spaghetti, garlic bread and caesar salad with cookies for dessert. then we had auditions for the play we have to put on which were excrutiatingly painful but hopefully will turn into a lot of fun once we all have our parts and can understand the shakespeare a little more. after that i went home and then went for a late night walk with rebecca all over charlbury and looked at the stars which seem a lot different here than they do at home.

tuesday (today)

today i left my house early to do some errands at the post office and the church, then headed down to the railway station and caught the 9:38 to oxford. we had our shakespeare class then lunch at regent's park college, then had a tour around oxford, went to the bodleian and looked at books that are hundreds of years old, got groceries and stumbled my way home. now i'm using the internet at the baptist church and highly anticipating the bourbon creams i treated myself to today. mmmm i am very excited. i'm also going through chocolate withdrawal as most of the time it seems a waste of money to buy chocolate instead of something important like bread.

anyways that's pretty much all that has been happening. tommorow i have medieval drama and shakespeare, lunch at regent's and then the group is going to stratford to see henry v, which i am very excited for.


bri and shawn said...

laura my dearest, your blogs are glorious, and mostly make me laugh as well as jealous. please do keep writing, and I promise I will keep reading. have so much fun!
your friends sister, and so, by extension, also your friend. (validated by the fact that I read your blogs and so automatically get on your friend list).

Anonymous said...

oooh miss you! everything sounds fabity fab <3