07 February 2008

crazy week

hmmmm well, i noticed i hadn't updated in a few days so i thought i would write some of the events that have been going on. starting..... last sunday! after a long day at warwick on saturday i was very tired on sunday, so i spent the day reading and planning my reading break adventure with rebecca. we booked our tickets to rome!! we got them at a really great price, except we have to get to a sketchy sounding airport on the outskirts of london... and we aren't checking any luggage because it costs 18 pounds extra. so one pair of clothes and a toothbrush may be all i have! what an adventure. i'm really looking forward to that!! we decided to watch roman holiday before we leave so we know all the important places to go to. we plan on spending most of the 10 days in rome, but are thinking we might train it up to florence for a few days in the middle. but rome is our main target. yippee! if only i was audrey hepburn though... anyways the rest of sunday... lee invited me and heather for an amazing sunday dinner which consisted of a russian hamburger and noodle dish with salad and warm baguettes, followed by a pavlova (meringue shell, whipped cream and fresh raspberries) which was to die for. i have the best host in the world.

anyways, monday and tuesday were fairly ordinary days for us, having our regular classes and lunch at both the methodist church and in regent's park college. yesterday, wednesday, was also a full yet good day. we had four hours of class and lunch at the college (this amazing leek, potato and bacon dish with green beans on the side... ooo baby). then i went to the bodleian libary to research for one of my essays. the bodleian is NOT a lending library, which is kind of annoying, until you realize that they have every book that has been published in britain since the 1800s i think. that makes it all better. sitting in the lower reading room surrounded by shakespeare is kind of fun actually. anyways, after that we all decided to go to the eagle and child, a pub where lewis and tolkien battled it out on philosophical issues and probably talked about talking lions and stuff, and then we went to see a play, a trip to scarborough, at the oxford playhouse. it was kind of post-modern but really good.

today was a normal day, but i'm feeling the strain of the busyness of this week. i'm really glad i can sleep in tommorow, as class isn't until 1045. this is good news.

i gave up dessert and dessert-like objects for lent. only 39 days to go.......


Rebecca said...

ROME!! Sketchy airports! No clothes! Are you pumped or what? I think it will be absolutely fantastic Laura. After reading your blog, I have two things to say. One- become a chef- that's clearly where your passions lie, and two- you should use capital letters, unless you are going for the e.e. cummings thing. Then, by all means... That is all.

When in Rome!!

Rebecca said...

ROME!! Sketchy airports! No clothes! Are you pumped or what? I think it will be absolutely fantastic Laura. After reading your blog, I have two things to say. One- become a chef- that's clearly where your passions lie, and two- you should use capital letters, unless you are going for the e.e. cummings thing. Then, by all means... That is all.

When in Rome!!

Rebecca said...
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Unknown said...

Sounds so exciting Lou! Do you have full course loads? Are you allowed to take pictures of old books in the library? I'm missing the beautiful photography - i miss you more...

Happy Studying!

Happy Rome!

rob said...

gah is it healthy to be this jealous of you?! :) sounds fanTAStic. i agree with rebecca on the chef thing too(always have) .... somehow you need to figure out how to combine your passions to create the perfect job for yourself that includes reading, writing, and concocting amazing food dishes. and travelling, which i'm going to assume is a new-found passion. yes? anyhow, i MISS you my dear. keep up the excellent blogging!


p.s. - no desserts for lent while in england? bold move, i'm impressed!